Roland Angle considers this cause to be the greatest of the past century.
In addition to serving the engineering profession for more than 50 years, AE911Truth’s chairman has spent the past decade working to expose his fellow engineers across the U.S. to the scientific evidence that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed by explosives, not by plane impacts and the ensuing fires, on September 11, 2001.
Angle considers this approach to be the key to breaking down support for the official reports that the 9/11 official story depends on for its survival.
In this episode of Unthinkable, Angle joins host Julia Picicci to talk about not only his career and the WTC evidence but also his thoughts about the significance of AE911Truth’s efforts in the grander scheme of world history. He also discusses his thoughts about how the organization’s work is part of a greater story of human progress despite the resistance it has had to overcome.
Don’t miss this impactful interview, which offers the 9/11 truth community a deeper look into the heart and mind of our spokesman as he pushes forward with the fight to expose to the world the truth about 9/11.
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