AE911Truth is Proud to Introduce the Newest Addition to our Podcast Family…
Hosted by 9/11 Researcher Julia Picicci.
Bringing her fresh perspective to the 9/11 issue, Julia Picicci tackles the most important controversy of our century through interviews with leading voices in the 9/11 truth movement, sharing her insight along the way to create an experience for viewers that is both hard-hitting and uplifting.
This weekend, Julia sat down with AE911Truth Board member and structural engineer, Kamal Obeid to discuss the very matter that sits at the heart of our mission: the controlled demolitions of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001, and the ongoing fight to help the world see the truth about what really happened on 9/11, even as forces within our society pressure individuals to remain silent.
In this interview, Julia and Kamal talk about the personal and professional alienation they each faced as they first began to speak out about the World Trade Center evidence, and the continuing silence of America’s professional institutions and mainstream media on the topic, even after the Hulsey Study put the NIST WTC 7 report to shame!
They also discuss the recent revelation made by AE911Truth — that the theory that NIST adopted to explain the Twin Towers’ total collapses was based on an incorrect mathematical equation — and how it further buries the credibility of the official government story.
Don’t miss the chance to watch this inspiring and unique show, brought to you by one of the most genuine and empathetic voices in the 9/11 truth movement!
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